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How Much Time Does Solar Installation Service Take in NJ?

Green Bolt
How Much Time Does Solar Installation Service Take in NJ?

The complete solar installation service in New Jersey, right from quote generation to final inspection, usually lasts a few months, depending on your solar installer, your utility company, size of your solar system, roof or other surface characteristics, and other factors. You can expedite the process significantly by choosing the right solar installer.

NJ-based solar company, Green Power Energy, typically take 60-90 days. Here’s a quick break up of our process and timelines for each step involved in the process:

  1. Quote Generation

We generate a quote for your solar installation in less than 24 hours of your initial consultation with us. Based on your location details, we use satellite imagery to generate a quick quote for your solar installation.

  1. Site Survey

Once you approve the quote, we schedule a visit to your location. Our staff will perform a detailed survey of your property, giving extra attention to the installation area, which, in most cases, is your roof.

They check your electrical equipment, rafters, and roof integrity to ensure that everything supports the solar installation. If any of the existing infrastructure requires additional work, or warrant a change in solar system design, we’ll generate a new quote for you and get your approval. This should not take more than a few days as well.

  1. Permits and Interconnections

We handle all paperwork for your solar installation. We get the necessary permits from the respective government bodies, and apply for your utility company interconnection. You will need the latter when your solar installation is a grid-tied system, and you’d like to enjoy various government incentives like net metering and performance-based incentives.

Besides the interconnection application, some of the other standard permits include a PV permit, a construction permit, and an electrical permit. Depending on your town regulations in NJ, more permits may be required.

A local government representative will visit your property and perform an inspection before approving your solar installation. Just like permits, this can turn into a drawn-out activity.

Whether you assign it to bureaucracy or rapidly rising interest in solar power, government bodies usually take several weeks to issue permits.

  1. Installation

We perform the final installation pretty fast. Most installations are wrapped up within a maximum of 72 hours. We don’t require you to be present for the installation, but it’s better if you can be.

  1. Final Inspection

The final inspection will involve a visit by a government official who will ascertain that all the electrical setup and interconnections are installed perfectly without any issues. We will be present with you at the time of inspection and answer any questions they may have.

Get Started Today

Let’s talk about potential solar opportunities. We offer free, no obligation quotes to get you started on your solar journey. If you’d like to talk with us outside of getting a quote then please reach out to us using our contact page.

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(844) 584-0008
47 East Street Annandale, NJ 08801

42 Ozick Dr, Suite 3, Durham, CT 06422

5555 N Lamar Blvd, Unit J105, Austin, TX 78751

NJ HIC #13VH05559800

NJ ELC #34EB01151200

PA HIC #PA128259
CT HIC #0656622
CT ELC.0205319-E1
TECL #37773

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