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Commercial Solar Panel Installations in TX, NJ, CT, & PA

Most businesses are excellent candidates for commercial solar photovoltaic systems. Many business owners don’t realize that solar power can save them money.

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Solar Panels Installed In New Jersey

Solar Storage Main

Ready to upgrade your solar system with reliable battery backup? Choose us for peace of mind.

Green Power Energy (GPE) completed our Photovoltaic/Battery installation in August 2022.  It is a very nice looking and clean installation. Where we live we lose power quite often.  Since Aug. 2022 our  battery/solar backup has kicked in automatically for over 20 hours of blackouts or brownouts. No more waiting and wondering when the power company is going to get our power back up and running.  Austin Dow and Kevin Nally  have been great to work with regarding answering any and all questions regarding the design and installation.

Update – We lost power for 46 hours on 1/9/24 to 1/11/24 due to a winter storm. The battery/solar backup powered our house the entire time and worked perfectly.

Michael T. Isn't The Only One We Were Able To Help

Nomad Framing - Cranbury, NJ

The good news is that solar makes financial sense for almost all commercial properties.

No matter what kind of business you have, solar energy can offset your energy costs and reduce your bills during times of peak demand.

Whether you’re looking to cut utility costs, find new sources of revenue, or demonstrate your commitment to the environment, Green Power Energy can help you do all of the above. From family-owned operations to corporate headquarters, businesses are discovering the practical benefits of going solar. Let us show you how an investment in solar energy can maximize the potential of your commercial property and earn you a profitable return.

Green Bolt

The solar market is growing fast. Isn’t it time you explored the benefits?


Federal Government Tax Credit

The Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is a bedrock solar incentive. The federal government provides a tax credit worth 30% of the cost of your system. It’s a dollar for dollar, uncapped tax credit that can be carried forward into the future. After your system has been commissioned, you can take advantage of the credit the next time you file a federal tax return.


Macrs Depreciation Incentive

Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) is a depreciation method that allows the owner of solar energy equipment to claim a significant tax deduction. As an incentive, the IRS has classified solar energy as a 5-year property under the MACRS depreciation schedule. Classifying solar as a 5-year property boosts the returns on your investment, which means you get more money back early on.


State Incentives

Most states will offer major state-level incentives which encourage businesses to go solar. These types of incentives can be grants, rebates, and production based incentives (PBIs). In NJ and PA for example, performance based energy credits (RECS) are available which can provide a source of cash flow to the business for 10 years or more.


Clean Renewable Energy

Solar power is an infinite resource that allows you to independently create your own energy. When you invest in solar, you gain energy security and a clear conscience. No greenhouse gas emissions, no nuclear waste—just clean, reliable energy. In addition to lowering your operating expenses, solar power can help insulate your business from volatility in the power markets. By producing your own electricity, you can save your company money and guarantee a fixed rate. Net metering, a policy which allows you to sell surplus energy back to utility companies, will help you maximize the value of your electricity production.


Increased Property Value

Incorporating solar power into your commercial building can dramatically increase the economic value of your property. Renewable energy systems are known to increase resale value by $20,000 for every $1,000 in annual electricity savings. In some states, solar power systems are also exempt from sales tax and property tax increases. By investing in solar power, you not only boost the economic value of your property but also make it more attractive to investors who might be willing to pay a premium for a building that is economically and operationally efficient.


Positive Public Perception

No matter what business you’re in, your reputation matters. While more businesses are beginning to appreciate the virtues of going green, “eco-conscious” businesses are still in the minority. Therefore, the decision to install solar power on your building will automatically differentiate you from competitors. More than anything, it represents a commitment to quality, care and operational efficiency, as well as the environment. By marketing your building as “green,” you’re also likely to attract publicity. Soon you’ll be known as a leader, an innovator, and an environmentally responsible corporate neighbor.
Nomad Framing - Cranbury, NJ

Costs are lower than they ever have been

While State and Federal incentives create opportunities for business owners to begin saving money immediately after installation. Solar panels allow for commercial businesses to experience returns as well as competitive advantages.

Get Started With A Free Solar Estimate

(844) 584-0008
47 East Street Annandale, NJ 08801

42 Ozick Dr, Suite 3, Durham, CT 06422

5555 N Lamar Blvd, Unit J105, Austin, TX 78751

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