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Craig C.

Cherry Hill, NJ |
February 2018
Electric Bill Before
$ 0
Electric Bill After
$ 0
System Size
0 kw

The Numbers

The Case Overview

Craig C. from Cherry Hill, NJ installed an 11.70 kW solar system, drastically reducing his electric bill. Motivated by the desire to save money and reduce his carbon footprint, Craig had been considering solar for a few years. He paid upfront for his system and benefited from a 30% Federal ITC, expecting a return on his solar investment within 6-8 years. His system produces 12,951 kWh each year for an annual reduction of 18,650 lbs of CO2. Prior to going solar, Craig’s monthly electric bill ranged from $200 to $250, but now he only pays $2.40 per month for delivery charges. He tracks his savings to showcase the value of solar when he decides to sell home, knowing his panels will increase its market value.
Green Bolt
Motivation for installing solar panels:
“It was a combination of saving money and going a little bit green. I had been thinking about it for a few years and started talking to a lot of people about it. The only people who had any regrets had done a lease and just found it wasn’t what they expected – not that the solar wasn’t working. Also, I knew that we would be in the house long enough to see it recuperate. I track the savings, so when I go to sell I can show them that it will save on electric and increase home value.”
Considerations in choosing Green Power Energy as installer:
“Greg (sales person) was a consideration, he was being straight with me, not pushy. He took the time and answered all the questions. When I had additional questions, he answered with no high-pressured sales. He just laid out the facts for me."

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(844) 584-0008
47 East Street Annandale, NJ 08801

42 Ozick Dr, Suite 3, Durham, CT 06422

5555 N Lamar Blvd, Unit J105, Austin, TX 78751

NJ HIC #13VH05559800

NJ ELC #34EB01151200

PA HIC #PA128259
CT HIC #0656622
CT ELC.0205319-E1
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