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Want the Best Solar Panels for Your Edison Home? Choose Professional Solar Installers.

Green Bolt
Want the Best Solar Panels for Your Edison Home? Choose Professional Solar Installers

Just because a solar company has a cool-looking website, is promoting crazy offers, and an inexpensive solar quote for you, that doesn’t mean that they are genuinely professional solar installers.

Like all industries, the solar industry has its share of dubious companies with the motto: “Sell everything you can and run away.” They aren’t concerned about honoring their service warranties, or customer support promises. 

So, if you’re an Edison, NJ resident, then we have some valuable advice for you: choose professional solar installers with at least a decade of track record in the industry. That way, you’ll know that they’ll be here when you need them in the future. After all, a good solar system lasts about 25-30 years if cared for properly.

Also, when you are planning the installation, a trusted, professional solar installer can help you find the right solar products, including solar panels. Read on to find out how:

  • Extensive and Reliable Knowhow

It’s really quite obvious, isn’t it? Professional solar installers with several years of experience will have a strong knowledge of which brand’s products are working well in the real world and whose aren’t. Unlike the new customers, the solar companies precisely know which brands are just “talk” and nothing more. They will keep you away from them and direct you to the best brands and products in the business.

  • Real Insights on Product Durability 

If a solar company has been in business for, say, a decade, they have seen solar customers using all kinds of products. They know which products break down fast, and encounter performance issues; they also know which brands can be trusted with dependable service. All of this information would be invaluable to a customer like you.

  • Product and Service Warranties

The best solar installers in business offer 20- to 25-year warranties on their services. They also work with products that provide equally long warranties. 

There are two things you need to consider here. For one, an extended service warranty is pointless if the solar installer has no intention to thrive in the industry for that long. You can decipher how seriously your solar installer is committed to the industry by checking out how long they’ve been in the business. 

Likewise, long product warranties are pointless if the warranty fulfillment policies are predatory. A good solar installer can guide you and help you steer clear of products from predatory brands.

Professional solar installers can offer you a vast amount of valuable information to help you make the most out of your solar system. Your job is to find a reputable and experienced installer, like Green Power Energy who has been in the industry since 2009.

Get Started Today

Let’s talk about potential solar opportunities. We offer free, no obligation quotes to get you started on your solar journey. If you’d like to talk with us outside of getting a quote then please reach out to us using our contact page.

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