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Solar Power World Magazine’s Annual List Includes Green Power Energy – A New Jersey Based Solar Installer

Green Bolt
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The New Jersey-based solar installer becomes part of Solar Power World’s prestigious list to highlight their exemplary performance this year.

Green Power Energy, one of New Jersey’s most experienced solar companies, in business since 2009, landed the 4th spot among the outstanding installers in NJ. They have significantly improved, being on the 10th spot in NJ last year and ranking 148th overall.

Solar Power World formed this list based on the company’s market and services. The factors that they look into regarding the market involve utility, residential, and commercial services. Secondly, evaluate the EPC, developer, rooftop contractor, electrical subcontractor, manufacturer, and installer. Additionally, the accumulated kilowatts that affect the number of installations of each company are also calculated. Nonetheless, these are everything that comes into play to determine the yearly rankings.

Green Power continuously makes promising records following their unprecedented streak since 2013. Being placed among the best solar companies in the US is a direct reflection on the satisfaction of thousands of their customers. This consistency further proves that Green Power Energy is an excellent choice for people looking to embrace the solar lifestyle.

Green Power Energy’s Vice President of Marketing Andrew Contrino expressed his gratitude in his statement:

“Thank you, Solar Power World, for putting together this list again this year.  Every year, we get excited when the magazine finally comes in the mail.  It brings a sense of pride to our employees, knowing we are going out there and building upon something special every day. We also extend congratulations to our competitors and other non-competing companies. The industry is bigger than ourselves, and we are in this together.  This becomes apparent whenever there is legislation affecting the industry.  In moments of uncertainty, we always come together. Thank you, Solar Power World, and Congratulations to all the stellar companies on this list.”

Solar Power World Magazine’s Annual List Includes Green Power Energy - A New Jersey Based Solar Installer

About Green Power Energy

Green Power Energy was founded in 2009, providing solar technology to thousands of New Jersey residents. They have since earned their reputation expanding all over Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania. This expansion brought over 1,500 installations across the US among residential units, commercial properties, and municipalities. Despite their success, they take pride in maintaining their “family-owned” values. This guided them throughout the years to provide a stellar and personalized customer service experience.

Achievements of Green Power Energy

The success of Green Power Energy slowly transcended over the years, which coveted their award for this year. They have consistently established themselves among the top solar companies in the US’s residential and commercial sectors.

2019148, 10** 4*

For their 10th year, Green Power Energy ranked 4th for the outstanding residential contractors (rooftop contractor) in New Jersey-based on the number of kilowatts installed.

**Green Power Energy ranked 10th for overall sectors in the NJ-based on the kW installed in 2019.

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