Solar financing is a great way to start enjoying the tremendous benefits of solar energy immediately. Green Power Energy, for instance, offers $0 down-payment solar financing options that make it possible for you to go solar without making any upfront investment.
Great, isn’t it?
Well, it gets better! Now, for a limited time, Green Power Energy is making you an incredible financing offer that you simply cannot say no to.
No Interest, No Payments!
You heard that right!
Get your new solar power system installed by Green Power Energy today, and start paying for it 1 to 1.5 years later. Under this unbelievable offer, you can choose to defer your payment by 12-18 months from the day of your solar installation.
At the end of your deferment schedule, you can make a lumpsum payment, or convert your payment into a conventional solar loan at a 7.99% interest rate. The best part? Your interest is calculated only from the day you choose to convert it into a loan.
So, you enjoy 1 year of green energy and the cost savings that come with it, without paying any interest or monthly payments that typically come with solar financing.
It simply can’t get any better than this.
But wait, it does!
Flexible and Easy Payments
Green Power Energy’s easy financing options make it possible for you to walk home with your new solar loan at a $0 upfront payment. In other words, no down payment. Your solar equipment and installation will be fully covered by our financing and split into easy payments that are spread over convenient periods. 5 years, 10 years, 15 years – whatever payment schedule works for you, works for us.
Final Words
Green Power Energy is offering homeowners in New Jersey a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of solar energy over a period of 12-18 months, without paying any interest or monthly repayments. Not only can they enjoy green energy during this period, but they also collect the various government incentives on solar equipment and solar energy they produced. They can then use them to pay for their solar installation at the end of the period, having witnessed the financial and community benefits of going solar.