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New Jersey Is One of the Top States in Country for Solar Power

Green Bolt
New Jersey Is One of the Top States in Country for Solar Power

The United States has been one of the countries through the world which has greatly focused on developing sources of renewable energy over the years. Amongst the many sources of renewables, solar energy has been a leading source of this energy.

Many states have actively taken on the role of making it work for them and New Jersey is amongst these states indeed. Solar power in New Jersey has played a huge role in having the state make its mark in the world of renewable energy.

Under the leadership of the Governor Phil Murphy, solar power will continue to grow within New Jersey. It has even joined a group that goes by the name of the 50×30 club. Now the question arises of what is that all about.

What is 50×30 Club?

It is a group of some states in America which have made a collective pledge. A pledge that sets up a target for these states to get fifty percent of their power from the renewable energy sources by the year 2030. It is a group which pledges to make renewable energy a common thing among their people. New Jersey is a part of this group along with the others on the list are California, Hawaii, New York and Vermont.

However, the success story of the state New Jersey does not end just here. The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) ranked New Jersey as number five in the country for the increasing popularity of solar power for energy. This is the clear verdict for New Jersey being among the top states in the country when it comes to solar panels.

So, with all these things to consider it can be rightfully said that in the department of renewable energy, New Jersey’s strength lies with solar power. With the existing laws and condition of solar power in New Jersey it has earned this stature which can only be seen to grow in the time to come.

Governor Phil Murphy has been seriously working on the task of promoting solar power throughout New Jersey and has been setting up laws to do that.

Only this year he has taken steps to increase the impact of solar power in the state of New Jersey. He signed the Bill A3723 into the law which made the increase happen. This signing of the bill will stabilize the price of New Jersey’s SRECs and will eventually end this program as the state is in search of an alternative to it.

Still, with increasing success of solar power, it is not the only renewable energy source the state relies on. It has made wind energy a big part of it as well. New Jersey has opted for wind alongside solar power in order to meet the set goals concerning renewable energy. Wind energy is set up as more of an alternative to solar power. Hence, the state is not deflecting from its goal, but taking a measure to increase the diversity of its renewable energy portfolio.

Governor Phil Murphy is highly dedicated to the task and he wishes to see 3500MW of wind installed on the coasts of New Jersey. This would not only provide renewable energy to the state, but this project creates 36500 jobs for the people of the state. Moreover, the completion of the project will result in generating enough power to 1.4 million households, making New Jersey standout.

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(844) 584-0008
47 East Street Annandale, NJ 08801

42 Ozick Dr, Suite 3, Durham, CT 06422

5555 N Lamar Blvd, Unit J105, Austin, TX 78751

NJ HIC #13VH05559800

NJ ELC #34EB01151200

PA HIC #PA128259
CT HIC #0656622
CT ELC.0205319-E1
TECL #37773

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