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Is the Buy All Sell All Solar Tariff a Better Alternative to Net Metering in Litchfield?

Green Bolt
Is the Buy All Sell All Solar Tariff a Better Alternative to Net Metering in Litchfield?

Litchfield residential solar buyers can choose between buy-all/sell-all tariff and net metering. Both incentive options help solar homeowners stay tied to the grid while earning a regular income from their solar power.

Here are the pros and cons of both metering systems for choosing your solar tariff plan in Litchfield.

Understanding the Two Different Metering Systems

Buy All/Sell All

The buy all/sell all metering system requires two meters:

  • One of the meters measures the amount of energy the homeowner is producing
  • The other meter measures the amount of energy the homeowner is consuming

In this system, the solar power produced is exported to the grid directly, and the customer is compensated at a rate fixed by the power company. The first meter measures how much power is supplied to the grid. They are paid directly for all the power they produce.

The homeowner uses the power from the grid for the home power needs. The second meter measures the amount of power consumed by the home, and they are sent a bill as always.

Net Metering

In a net metering system, the dollar amount of excess energy you feed to the grid is subtracted from the monthly utility bill.

If your solar system produces less power than you need, you will have a negative power balance, which means you’ll receive a substantially reduced monthly utility bill.

If your solar system produces more energy than you consume, you will have a positive power balance. In this case, your excess net metering credits can be carried over to future months.

Pros & Cons

Buy All/Sell All Pros

  • Easier to Track: This model lets homeowners know how much energy they have produced and expect to be paid for.
  • Increased Control: The two-meter system gives them complete control, so they know how much electricity they use and can optimize their use. 
  • Utility Companies Can Estimate Power Needs: With a fixed amount of solar power generated during predictable hours of the day, utility companies are better placed to estimate the power infrastructure they need to meet the region’s demand. They can plan better and not overproduce, hence preserving resources.

Buy All/Sell All Cons

  • Requires Two Meters: A buy-all/sell-all model requires the homeowner to install an additional meter.

Net Metering Pros

  • Lower Utility Bill: With buy all/sell all, you get compensated for power production separately. With net metering, you see the remuneration as a reduced power bill.
  • Requires One Meter: You have to install a new two-way meter, but you only need one meter.

Net Metering Cons

  • Makes It Harder To Estimate Power Needs: With the power needs of homes changing, it isn’t easy to estimate how much energy different households will send to the grid every month. It makes it almost impossible for the region’s utility company to accurately estimate and strategically plan to meet the total power needs.

For more detailed information, be sure to Contact Green Power Energy today so that our knowledgeable staff can walk you through all the aspects of this tariff.

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