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Riding High Farm

Riding High Farm is a 10 ½ acre farm that is located in Allentown, NJ. The riding facility and stable operates as a non-profit organization cooperates and maintains accreditation with the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship, “PATH” International. PATH is the credentialing organization for accrediting centers and certifying instructors and equine specialists. Riding High Farm seeks to enrich the lives of physically, cognitively and emotionally challenged persons through riding instruction. The farm was created in 1979 as a non-profit and has been in operation now for 41 years. Today, they conduct over 200 lessons per month led by certified instructors and volunteers.
Green Bolt


The call for solar panels at Riding High Farm began as operating costs continued to increase. Being a non-profit organization, the farm is staffed by volunteers from the surrounding community and supported by donations raised by horse shows and other events the farm holds throughout the year. With monthly electric costs nearing $500 per month, the board needed to explore solar as a possible solution to a problem in unmanageable costs.


Green Power Energy installed a solar 29.52 kW system on Riding High Farms main barn structure. The array is made of highly efficient products, S-Energy Modules and SolarEdge Inverters and was designed to offset the monthly electric costs that were growing out of control.
Riding High


Adding the solar panels to their main barn structure reduced operating expenses to enlarge available funds to maintain the upkeep of the farm and the horses. The $500 per month electric bill was controlled and in addition to the electric savings, the farm collects on average in the first 3 years of operations $7,000 per year in SREC income!

Overall Solar Experience

“We felt right from the beginning, a lot of confidence in your abilities as a company. I immediately liked your plan, you were very positive in what you could do. My expectations were far exceeded, we had no glitches or problems.”

– Dennis Kahn, President

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We would like to share this knowledge with you to illustrate what we offer and how it can impact you. Both by lower monthly bills and helping reduce impacts to the environment.

Home with Solar

A Quick and Easy Guide to PA SREC System

The state of Pennsylvania offers a smart incentive program under SRECs for residential solar buyers in the state. As part of this program, PA residents are incentivized for every megawatt-hour of solar power they generate through the year. Broadly speaking, the more solar energy they produce, the more money they get. The SREC incentive is above and beyond the net metering incentive that residents receive by diverting their excess solar power to the grid.

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Here Is How You Can Bring Down Your Solar Quote In Middletown, Connecticut

Here Is How You Can Bring Down Your Solar Quote In Middletown, Connecticut

Lower utility bills, solar incentives, and a smaller carbon footprint – are only a few benefits of moving to solar power. These are just a few of the many great incentives for going solar if you live in Middletown, Connecticut. However, the monetary aspect of going solar is usually why Middletown, CT, homeowners put off installing a solar power system in their homes.

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@ 2024 GREEN POWER ENERGY (844) 584-0008
47 East Street Annandale, NJ 08801

42 Ozick Dr, Suite 3, Durham, CT 06422

NJ HIC #13VH05559800

NJ ELC #34EB01151200

PA HIC #PA128259
CT HIC #0656622
CT ELC.0205319-E1
TECL #37773

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