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Durham Homeowner’s Guide to Solar Battery Storage

Green Bolt
Durham Homeowner’s Guide to Solar Battery Storage

Solar has become synonymous with power independence for homeowners in Durham. With the rising demand for solar power, more people want to know how to add backup power to their home solar system. Their most important concern is price.

The price of battery storage depends on a variety of factors. So, if you are also planning to go energy-independent and looking for solar storage in Durham, here is a homeowner’s guide you cannot miss.

Chemistry of the Battery

Lithium-Ion batteries are the most common batteries used to store solar power. Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) and Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC) are the two most common forms of Li-Ion battery used. LFPs have a longer life, while NMC batteries are more power-dense. For this reason, LFPs are significantly more expensive than NMC batteries.

Performance of Batteries

Like PV cells, the quality of the batteries will impact their efficiency. While there are regulatory standards for safety that batteries should meet, the quality of the battery influences its performance and safety. 

You do not have to worry about constant repair or leak problems when you invest in good battery storage solutions.

Storage Needs

Each household has different storage needs. Sizing batteries is not as flexible as sizing solar panels. You can easily add a solar panel or remove it as needed. The cost of storage will depend on how much energy your household needs. It will determine the number of batteries you need.

Auto-Start Capabilities

As solar power use becomes more mainstream, the support equipment is seeing a lot of innovation. Every new development or feature means more money. Similarly, a regular battery that starts manually is cheaper than batteries with auto-start capabilities.

Inverter Included

Batteries store electricity in DC form, whereas home fixtures and appliances use AC electricity. You need an inverter to convert DC to AC electricity. Some batteries are sold along with a storage-specific inverter. Batteries + inverters are bound to cost more than a single battery. It is important to note that an inverter is not an option for solar storage. So, if you don’t buy a hybrid battery system, you will have to separately purchase the inverter.

Make a Conscious Decision

Solar storage in Durham offers a whole buffet of options to homeowners. However, it is crucial that homeowners first understand their specific needs, prioritize them, and then make a conscious decision on which battery system suits their custom requirements. 

Get Started Today

Let’s talk about potential solar opportunities. We offer free, no obligation quotes to get you started on your solar journey. If you’d like to talk with us outside of getting a quote then please reach out to us using our contact page.

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