Homeowners and homebuyers in Easton, PA view solar power installations as home upgrades. They make financial sense and convey a strong statement of environmental responsibility. Naturally, interest in home solar solutions has sharply risen in recent years. But, there’s more to solar than just cost savings. Here are other reasons why Easton, PA residents are increasingly choosing to go solar.
Increase in Home Value
Houses with residential solar are selling at up to a 4.1% premium in the market. That’s hardly surprising, considering the potential future savings, energy security, and a sense of contribution homeowners feel towards the planet’s future.
Low Carbon Footprint
The state of Connecticut gets about 56% of its electricity from burning natural gas. Although natural gas is not as polluting as some other fossil fuels, such as coal, it’s still one of the top polluters globally and plays a big part in the worsening climate change situation. When you switch to home solar, you stop being part of the problem and contribute to reducing your carbon footprint significantly.
No More Increasing Power Costs
Your utility power bills will keep increasing as the utility companies catch up with the twin woes of rising inflation and rising fuel costs due to depleting fossil fuels. On the other hand, solar power costs you the same day in and day out – nothing!
Even when you factor in the initial investment, your savings over the lifetime of your solar solution will easily run into tens of thousands of dollars.
Energy Independence
Do you ever worry about power cuts and power outages? It could be because of grid malfunction or a weather event. Power outages, although rare, can wreak havoc on our lives when they do happen. When you have your own power plant that runs on the sun, you won’t ever have to worry about power outages.
Improved Grid Security
Distributed power sources like residential solar help utility companies to manage peak power requirements more effectively, while reducing the load on the aging grid infrastructure of the country. That’s a good thing for everyone.
Local Jobs
Going solar has obvious financial benefits – enormous cost savings, financing incentives, and so on. But, did you know that you boost the local economy in Easton, PA when you choose solar?
Solar industry employs local installers, local technicians, and local engineers. Supporting an industry that’s clearly the future of energy is a great way to the shock-proof local economy against global economic challenges.
Want to know more about solar energy’s impact on Easton, PA or the world at large? Get in touch with us.