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30 Questions to Ask a PA Solar Company Before You Hire Them

Green Bolt
30 Questions to Ask a PA Solar Company Before You Hire Them

Your home solar panel purchase isn’t like your typical transaction. It’s a long-term home improvement, often spanning 25 years or more. That’s how long most solar panels last.

So, you should choose a reliable solar contractor who will be there when you need their services. But, how do you select the right solar company? By asking the right questions.

Here’s your ready-reckoner list of questions to ask every solar company you contact before choosing the one. 

  1. Are you licensed? If yes, what’s your business license number?
  2. Are you NABCEP-certified, insured, and bonded? 
  3. Do you serve your customers directly, or do you subcontract the job? In the case of the latter, how do you ensure that they deliver high-quality products and services?
  4. How long have you been in business?
  5. How many residential solar systems have you installed so far?
  6. Can you share at least 3-4 references of your customers?
  7. What kind of service warranty do they offer on solar installation?
  8. Can you share the details of all the products (PV cells, inverters, battery, etc.) you offer as part of your services?
  9. What warranties are available on each of these products?
  10. Do you offer financing? If yes, what are my options?
  11. What kind of flexibility exists in my financing options? Can I port from one option to another?
  12. Can you share the complete list of all costs in the solar quote?
  13. Are there any hidden costs?
  14. Why did you choose the equipment you did?
  15. What costs will I incur if I cancel my purchase at various stages of the installation?
  16. What is the extent of their experience with the local authorities and utility companies?
  17. Do you offer a turnkey solution, or would I be required to do anything? In other words, who handles all the paperwork?
  18. What is the payment schedule?
  19. Will the payments for financed solar systems increase over time? If yes, at what rate?
  20. What are the most common problems faced by your current customers with their solar systems?
  21. Have you found a way to prevent those problems?
  22. What solar incentives are available in Pennsylvania, and which of them do I qualify for?
  23. How can I be certain that I am eligible for the various financial incentives available to home solar buyers?
  24. How long will I continue to receive the various incentives offered to me?
  25. How long will it take for the solar system to repay itself?
  26. What steps are involved in the installation process?
  27. How long will the entire installation process take?
  28. What guarantees do you offer on your work?
  29. How can I monitor the amount of solar energy produced by my system?
  30. What happens when my solar system equipment fails due to manufacturing defects, weather phenomena, or other natural causes?

Get Started Today

Let’s talk about potential solar opportunities. We offer free, no obligation quotes to get you started on your solar journey. If you’d like to talk with us outside of getting a quote then please reach out to us using our contact page.

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(844) 584-0008
47 East Street Annandale, NJ 08801

42 Ozick Dr, Suite 3, Durham, CT 06422

5555 N Lamar Blvd, Unit J105, Austin, TX 78751

NJ HIC #13VH05559800

NJ ELC #34EB01151200

PA HIC #PA128259
CT HIC #0656622
CT ELC.0205319-E1
TECL #37773

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