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3 Things You Should Avoid When Buying a Solar Power System

Green Bolt

Exciting as it is to purchase a home solar power solution, it is important that you do not get carried away by all the advertising. You should instead focus on critical aspects since the purchase represents a significant investment that you will have to live with for a long time. Below are some of the things you should avoid when buying a solar power system.

Inflated Performance Claims

A solar power system’s performance can be greatly exaggerated. For example, a specifically sized system may provide 50 percent of a household’s requirements in one state, but it won’t in New Jersey because of the prevailing climate.

A good firm will perform a series of calculations to give a reasonably accurate estimate of how much residential solar energy in NJ you need for your home before they even think about presenting you with a contract. Also important is to note that 1.5kW PV systems will not produce that exact level of power in all conditions.

Performance can be impacted by heat and the inverter’s normal operation as DC electricity generated from the solar panels is converted to AC power for use. However, a couple of inverters offer better conversion efficiency, just like some panels are better than others regarding heat tolerance.

Substituted Components

Some companies are likely to trick you into purchasing a respected brand for a good price, but once you sign and seal the contract, they have an artificial shortage that requires you to wait longer or accept some inferior brand. Sometimes, cash back or a discount will be thrown in to get you to accept the lower quality system. In other cases, there may be a genuine shortage, but many shortages are just a ploy for the companies to increase their profit margins as the margins on the original brands are very slim.

Hidden Costs

Another favorite tactic to lure homeowners into purchasing inferior quality solar products is through advertising low prices. While it’s not uncommon for the price to vary according to the structure of power system you are purchasing, the extras should be mentioned from the very beginning. These are likely to include:

  • Travel charges
  • Moving the inverter costs
  • Horizontal array fixing
  • Type of roof you already have

Fine-print extras are likely to add thousands to what you finally pay for your solar power system, so be careful, read contracts and quotes before you commit to the process.

Are you ready to switch to home solar power? Congratulations, just avoid any deals that show any signs above and you are well on your way to saving substantially on your monthly

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